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Scratch Lab 1

Name: Miles Wiesenthal

Period: 7

Assignment: Lab #1

Lab Overview

These labs focused on the pen tool, changing costumes, and changing the backdrop. I had to choose 3 problems to do, those were the three i did. I did the pen and costumes together, while drawing shapes.

My Solution

My solution for the pen tool and the costume one was to make a pencil that turned a certain amount of degrees, then turned, while drawing. I made it change costume, with a pencil sharpener. My solution for the other one was to have a cat move across the screen, and when it was at the center it would broadcast the backdrop to change the background.

My Project Link

My Project Link


  1. Question #1-Animations
  2. Question #2,3,4-Screens
    • The Screen is 480 by 360.
    • The center is 0, 0.
    • Pixels are the unit of measurement on the screen.
  3. Question #5-Sprite vs. Stage